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Showing posts from July, 2013

Small script for one of the plarium game

few notes about google games. Goggle informed that access to the all games be closed after June, 30. I played "Pirates: Tides of fortune" and decided to limit my game time using small script. Detail is below. Some history First internet games were updated network games only. 15 years ago internet connection requires a lot of money and nobody had a problem with lagging of the other players. Usually games uses personal communication protocol. Warbirds, Aces High and Eve online use this way. Next part use a browser and trivial HTTP protocol. One of the popular game in this area is travian . Travian player uses browser and every browser (PC, cell phone, tablet) can be used for playing. Of course, popularity of the game is related to graphics. Trivial HTTP does not have good power in this and other technology is used for this side. One of them is Flash . Unfortunately flash requires a lot of CPU : "Pirates" was near to froze at my old celeron with ...