Mac, emacs and new python3.10 I've deceided to upgrade my python to the new Python 3.10 and upgrade my IDE based on Emacs too. Upgrading python to version 3.10 A installing python 3.10 is really simple task using a homebrew: MacBook-Pro-Hohlov:call-me skhohlov$ brew search python ==> Formulae app-engine-python gst-python python-launcher python-tk@3.9 python@3.8 pythran boost-python ipython python-markdown python-yq python@3.9 ✔ jython boost-python3 micropython python-tabulate python@3.10 reorder-python-imports cython bpython ptpython python-tk@3.10 python@3.7 wxpython ==> Casks awips-python awip...