Detecting MySQL loading
I've seen strange and randomize increasing of the MySQL db loading but mytop did not help to sorted out with this issue. I'm not Mike Tyson and my reaction is more slow then CPU. If I don't catch this dynamically I will catch this statistically.
Main idea
Select active request by cron and write it ti file. After this statistic analyze for long period of time sort this problem out.
Selecting information from MySQL
Please add python mod MySQLdb and set correct credentials up.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | import os, MySQLdb def main(): """ checking process list and save it to file""" LOGFILENAME = 'dbusage.log' MYSQLUSERNAME = 'root' MYSQLPASSWORD = 'password' MYSQLHOST = 'localhost' logfile = open(LOGFILENAME, 'a') mydb = MySQLdb.connect(host = MYSQLHOST, user = MYSQLUSERNAME, passwd = MYSQLPASSWORD) mycursor = mydb.cursor() mycursor.execute("""SELECT TIME_MS, INFO FROM information_schema.processlist WHERE COMMAND='Query' ORDER BY TIME_MS DESC LIMIT 15 ;""") sqlresult = mycursor.fetchall() for executingtime, sqlrequest in sqlresult: logfile.write(str(time.time()) +';'+str(executingtime)+';'+sqlrequest+'\n') logfile.close() return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": """ collect data about active mysql running sql and save it to file""" main() |
After this add executing this script by cron daemon.
Analyzing data
I've ignored 'COMMIT' request but you can update it easy. Script analyzes log file and build dictionary with based on command & table and summarize running time .
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#!/usr/bin/env python import os import time import argparse from itertools import cycle def analizesql(sql): """ Analize SQL and returt commandand usedtable as sum of two string such as COMMITsession """ sqllastlist = sql.split(' ') sqlcommand = sqllastlist[0].rstrip() nofound = True if sqlcommand == 'UPDATE': usedtable = sqllastlist[1] elif sqlcommand == 'SELECT': sqllistcycle = cycle(sqllastlist) nextelement = while nofound: thiselement, nextelement = nextelement, if thiselement == 'FROM': nofound = False usedtable = nextelement # elif sqlcommand == 'COMMIT\n': # sqlcommand else: usedtable = '' return sqlcommand+usedtable def timeinsecfromstr(timestr): """Convert string such as 1h 1d 1m to seconds """ switcher = { "M": 60, "H": 3600, "D": 86400, } deltatype =timestr[-1:].capitalize() return int(timestr[:-1])* switcher.get(deltatype) def main(): """ """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--timedelta', type=str, help='time in format int + M H D', default='1H') timeinsec= parser.parse_args().timedelta STARTTIMEHOURREPORT = time.time() - timeinsecfromstr(timeinsec) logfile = open('./dbusage.log', 'r') usagedict = {} linecount = 0 for line in logfile: if float(line.split(';')[0]) > STARTTIMEHOURREPORT: linecount+=1 usagetime = float(line.split(';')[1]) currentsql = line.split(';')[2] commandtable = analizesql(currentsql) if usagedict.has_key(commandtable): usagedict[commandtable] += usagetime else: usagedict[commandtable] = usagetime usagedict_s = [(usagetime, commandtable) for commandtable, usagetime in usagedict.iteritems()] usagedict_s.sort(reverse=True) print("="*56) print("Total records detected:%s" %(linecount,)) print("="*56) for v, k in usagedict_s: print('{0:<35} {1:>20}'.format(k,v/linecount)) print("="*56) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Also you can set different period of time for longer checking. All questions are welcomed.
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